Spiritpainting® - Peintures D'Esprit
by Jennifer "Lightwolf" Jones
To all graduates of the Spiritpainting® Instructor Workshop: if you want to be included on this list then send an email to:
spiritpainting2002atyahoodotcom and give me permission and say the information you want here. It is spelled out to prevent spam)
Nicole Besner, B.A. M. Ed (Androgogy)
Artist and Spiritual Coach
Owner of Coraleme Studio and Centre for Healing and Spirituality
Psychotherapist & Integrative Energy Therapist
Certified Practitioner & Instructor of Spiritpainting
Certified Dimensional MeditationPractitioner
Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Val-des-Monts QC phone # is 819 431 0706
Bonnie Burrows
Spirit to Spirit
Yarker, Ontario
email: strummer2@sympatico.ca
Janice P. Van Dijk
Living in Harmony (www.living-in-harmony.ca)
Kingston, ON
Sylvie Huard
"Paintings from the Soul"
Location: Limoges, Ontario (near Orleans and Ottawa area)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toizon.dart?fref=ts
Phone: (613)443-9421
Cell: (613)899-2943
Email: Toizondart@gmail.com
Kim Hutt
24 Broadway Cres Iriquois On
K0E 1K0
613 802 1736
Soul Reconnected
Myles Jones
Ottawa Area